Why an oxygen facial is exactly what your skin needs for a healthy glow (2025)

Throughout history, native healers have recognised that wounds healfaster if a patient is transported from thin mountain air to the richeratmosphere of a low-lying valley,” says Toby Hui, a medical doctor atFreia Medical. Fast forward to today and breathwork workshops forholistic wellness abound, hyperbaric oxygen therapy is commonly usedin medical treatments, and cosmetic surgeons recommend the same tooptimise post-procedure healing, especially for patients with suppressedimmunity and health conditions. “Oxygen also works wonders to revivethe lacklustre complexions of smokers and urban dwellers dealing withenvironmental pollutants,” adds Hui, “and suffusing skin with vitalO2 leaves skin with a gorgeous, supermodel glow—it’s like a breath offresh air for your face, literally.” Emanating this distinct ray of radianceare celebrities like Madonna, Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian andMiranda Kerr—all of whom have expressed love for facials that revitalisecomplexions with bursts of high-pressure oxygen, swirled with a customcocktail of skin-loving ingredients like antioxidants, vitamins, aminopeptides and the moisture magnet, hyaluronic acid. Try these oxygen facial treatments and products designed to improve overall skin—and scalp—health and bestow thatcoveted glow.

Freia Aesthetics’ Red Carpet Oxygen Facial

“As far as possible, we’ll want to inhale clean air to minimise thechances of bodily damages. It’s tough, especially when we’re livingin cities where pollution is common. When the level of oxygen inthe air gets compromised, it can have an immediate effect on ourskin,” says Freia Medical’s Hui. Aptly called Red Carpet OxygenFacial, $350, this award-winning treatment is powered by Intraceuticalstechnology—which is favoured by celebrities such as the queen ofpop, Madonna—that utilises hyperbaric pressure for in-depth oxygeninfusion. This not only intensely hydrates, firms and replenishes skin,but also increases the penetration of topical ingredients deep intothe dermis, refuelling the natural processes of rejuvenation from theinside out.

This 90-minute session starts with one of the best cleansingfacials in town—Freia Aesthetics’ manual but gentle extractions aretop-notch—followed by a refreshing oxygen jet that is packed with ablend of vitamins, antioxidants, hyaluronic acid and SkinCeuticalsserums that are sprayed systematically and evenly across the face.Instantly, the pressurised oxygen plumps the skin as it drinks up all theskincare nutrients, firming, smoothening, brightening and restoringthe suppleness of complexions—like a mini facelift. Clients of FreiaAesthetics can also choose from a range of bespoke booster serums toamplify this red carpet experience, from an elixir of collagen messengerpeptides to promote cellular regeneration and skin texture, tone andtautness; to a trio of vitamin Cs to fight free radical damage and reducesigns of ageing, dullness and hyperpigmentation.

Skin Inc’s Pure Serum-Infused O2 Cleanser

Honing in on the beauty world’s less-is-more ‘skinimalism’ trend,Skin Inc’s Pure Serum-Infused O2 Cleanser, $48 boasts the world’s firstone-step double-cleansing system with a unique three-in-one texture.What starts off as a comforting gel bubbles up into a silky foam, gentlydetoxifying skin of impurities and sebum or product build-up from deepwithin pores, before emulsifying into a cream that washes off withoutany residue. In addition, this sulfate-free formula rebalances skin’s pHlevels with ceramides, soothes and strengthens the skin barrier withingredients such as calming centella asiatica and hydrating reishi, whileoxygen helps reveal a radiant, renewed complexion.

Cambridge Therapeutics’ Pure Oxygen Scalp Treatment

Just like skin, your crowning glory can benefit tremendously froma hit of O2. Used across salons to promote circulation and productpenetration, oxygenation can help to rehydrate and restore vitality andshine to dry, brittle hair that’s been damaged by chemical treatmentsand ultraviolet rays. For the scalp, oxygen therapies swiftly nourish andstimulate cellular metabolism, which in turn boost scalp health andregeneration to remedy issues like dryness, oiliness, sensitivities and overtime, hair loss or thinning. Formulated in partnership with celebrityKorean dermatologist Kwon Han Jin, Cambridge Therapeutics’ PureOxygen Scalp Treatment, $260, takes a scientific approach to tackle all thesehair concerns with a rejuvenating six-step process. What starts with anin-depth analysis to determine main problems—such as excess sebumproduction or hair fall—is followed by the Venus Glow Scalp Cleansingand Detox, where water jets thoroughly sweep away all impurities, deadskin cells and product build-up that could be lodged within hair follicles,offering a nice, blood flow-boosting massage at thesame time.

Thencomes the Oxynova Life Hair Growth Factor and Anti-inflammationOxygen Spray, which dispenses a generous amount of serum that’s fullof vitamins, minerals, proteins and anti-inflammatory properties, beforehighly concentrated oxygen is employed to increase absorption and flowof nutrients to the dermal papilla (the skin layer of the scalp), in orderto accelerate the recovery process. Pulsed radio frequency energy thenensues to provide deeper biostimulation, while the Smartlux Hair LaserTreatment helps to activate growth factors that are already present inhair follicles to nurture thicker, stronger and more luscious locks.

Oxygenceuticals’ CeutisomeFusion Shot

Ceutisome is a patented cosmetic ingredient that contains oxygen andis unique to the OxygenCeuticals line of skincare. “Its key function isto bring oxygen to the skin, which also helps to remove waste productsof cellular respiration such as carbon dioxide,” says Tiffany Tan, chieftrainer at Cheongdam Korean Skin Management, which distributes thebrand in Singapore. OxygenCeuticals’ standout offering is a customisedskincare solution called Ceutisome Fusion Shot, $169. This three-in-one setcombines an ampoule and booster that targets specific skin needs—be itbrightening, intensive hydration, calming or anti-wrinkles—with a stemformula containing ceutisome microspheres that deliver concentratedoxygen into the skin to further revitalise and purify. oxygen facial

Oxygenceuticals' CeutisomeFusion Shot




Cheongdam Korean Skin Management’s Astrodome O2 8 Steps Facial

Home to some of South Korea’s most sought-after beauty treatments,medispa Cheongdam Korean Skin Management takes pride in itssignature Medical Active Oxygen Program to get you fresh, firmand glowing skin—just like your favourite K-drama star. “Ouroxygen facial is the leading therapy because we not only use oxygen-enrichedskincare products by OxygenCeuticals, we also useOxycryo, a medical-grade machine, to infuse 99.5 percent pure oxygendirectly from a tank. This process helps to reduce the appearance offine lines and wrinkles, improves blood circulation, and promotescollagen synthesis for youthful skin,” Tan explains. Most of itstreatment machines and products are designed to also assist in post-procedurerecovery, harnessing the naturally healing and reparativeproperties of oxygen. oxygen facial

The must-try treatment? The Astrodome O2 8Steps Facial, $380, which begins with a thorough cleanse; a pore mask thatbubbles up to dissolve skin-clogging dirt and the accumulation ofdead skin cells; and an oxygen scaling experience that further purifies,soothes and replenishes skin with jets of oxygen that are infused with aspecial brew of active ingredients. A cooling mask and toning gel thenpreps your face to enter the Astrodome Mask. Housed in an astronaut-likedome, this world-first system combines an oxygenated solutionin the form of a mist with near-infrared low-frequency radiation,anions (also known as negative ions) and light pulsed energy therapyin different wavelengths to achieve various results. Think red light forskin rejuvenation and collagen activation; blue light for acne and sebumcontrol; and violet light to aid in wound healing and relieve sensitivities.The final step sees yet another oxygen clarifying mask or cryogel velvetmask envelope the entire face, including the eyes, almost like a cocoonsealing in all the goodness before unveiling a visibly refreshed and moreyouthful mien.

Omorovicza’s OxygenBooster

Designed to supercharge your skincare ritual, Omorovicza’s OxygenBooster, US$98, infuses O2 molecules directly into skin, allowing lacklustrecomplexions to be instantly re-energised and rehydrated. This watergelelixir features the brand’s patented Hydro Mineral Transferencedelivery system, which ensures that each shot of liquid oxygen ispenetrated deeply along with a cocktail of nasturtium-derivedpolysaccharides that accelerate oxygenation to improve skin texture,regenerating swertia chirata extract, and plumping hyaluronic acid thatwork in tandem to jump-start repair and renewal.

Omorovicza's OxygenBooster




Why an oxygen facial is exactly what your skin needs for a healthy glow (2025)
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